Sports Hypnotherapy
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Is enjoying your day or even your life marred by pain? Maybe just getting out of the house in the morning seems like an intense effort only other people with chronic could empathise with. You may feel that pain robs you of energy and that low energy causes depression, or at least a depression of your mood even if you are naturally a very happy person. Science shows that chronic pain and inflammation in the body can be brought down significantly by working with our remarkable minds. With the strategic psychotherapy part of Shine Therapies treatments, there is no reliving of traumatic events, rather you are guided to find your own unique pathways to move forward positively from this point on. I myself suffered from chronic period pain for many years, and spent a lot of money on herbal treatments, massage and pain medication which was not best for my body but I needed it to get on with my day and get things done. In one session with a hypnotherapist I learned how to bring down my pain medication by one third which was really significant.
I then continued on without the hypnotherapist to bring down my pain further with his take home skills. My pain treatments will help you to make a new start, combining breathwork, visualisation and finding and reversing the patterns that keep us in pain. These techniques are clinical trial evidence based. I have worked as a hypnotherapist in a voluntary capacity for the past year at two Perth hospitals in with patients undergoing cancer treatment, working with nausea, fear and anxiety, family and carer issues that may surround the cancer sufferer and how to get through surgery with a minimum of fear and worry. My months after graduating from my year long hypnotherapy diploma were all inspirational and amazing people going through the journey of cancer. Let’s have a chat today for as long as you need, and get to know each other and find if this would be helpful for you.