Clinical Hypnotherapy
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Hypnotherapy is a state of quiet being where intense inner focus occurs, and the outside world becomes secondary to that focus. With the help of hypnotic suggestions, a type of meditative heightened awareness state happens, not just intense calm but more focused selective attention. This trance like state of hypnosis allows new ideas, options and realisations to occur. Trance is a part of our daily life (for example daydreaming, being in a state of flow whilst doing something) but hypnotherapy is a deliberate conscious focused attention rather than drifting and dreaming willy-nilly. While having hypnotherapy treatments you and your brain are learning new pathways to move forward easily. This is where change happens. Hypnotic trance state is lucid and clear, directed and focused but less logical. Through suggestion during the hypnotherapy, you can build bridges over some of the gaps you may not have realised that are there, keeping you stuck in endless cycles of not feeling good. Imagine not struggling with a certain issue anymore, not being held back by it.