IBS and the stress response
In my work with hypnotherapy and gut issues, I’ve met clients, of all genders and ages, who have searched for years to solve their battle with bloated tummies, diarrhoea, and unpredictability with needing the toilet. During our hypnotherapy ore-talks and sessions, it was found that this health problem affected them in their intimate lives, their work lives, and the social life.
One client missed out on trips to see people he loved overseas as he was afraid of the unpredictability of finding rest rooms whilst travelling. It’s disabling – just how people probably feel who are non-ambulant when they are travelling.
Dr Libby Weaver, a nutritional biochemist originally from New Zealand states the causes of IBS being:
· The sympathetic nervous system (or the nervous system that runs on flight and fight) always switched on.
· Parasites
· Poor gut microbiome
· Food intolerances, or a combination of the above.
Hypnotherapy is supremely effective with bringing us out of a habitual stress response and may be your answer if you are seeking an out from poor gut health. Monash University studies have backed this up.